Event management

National. International.

We either work in accordance with the client’s instructions as a full-service project manager with specific budget responsibility and a schedule, or provide ad hoc support on behalf of the client as an interim project manager.

We ensure perfect service and event management from the perspective of attendees and guarantee an exceptionally enjoyable event for course participants, speakers and scientific directors – and that both you and they will come away fully satisfied. After all, it is our aim to spark your customers’ enthusiasm whilst making sure that participants give you top marks for quality and use your services time after time.

Strategic and operational event planning

When it comes to strategic event planning, we start by analysing the situation; we then check availability for you and select suitable venues. We are also on hand with expert advice on all operational planning activities. We handle all aspects of speaker and attendee management, including travel organisation and the booking of transfers, and base the selection of event technology providers on transparent quality and cost criteria.

Events and logistics


On-site project management

On-site project management includes looking after attendees and speakers at the event venue, coordinating service providers and providing project support by preparing and updating all event data, including an event review, in accordance with your wishes.

It goes without saying that we ensure consistent quality assurance and seamless processes that meet existing compliance guidelines whilst we are on site.


After the end of the event, we check the invoices submitted by service providers and draw up a transparent cost summary for you.

All project-related data (e.g. budget, attendee lists, trade fair leads) are archived (in digital and analogue format) and made available to our clients.

Once the event is over, we carry out a feedback session with you, as the client, to ensure transparent quality assurance.

Range of services